David Hunayan, partner in «AM» Law Firm gives explanations on the air of Public Television

12 March, 2019

loan, but the relative, evincing dishonesty, did not timely paid the loan amount and the interests and the bank applied to the court. As a result, their only residential house was sold through auction and the funds, received from the sale did not suffice for debt repayment, as they have been tiny.

As a result of examination of documents it was revealed that actually the marrieds concluded have signed not a guarantee, but a loan contract, moreover, they have pledged their residential house. Besides, they received notifications from the court, bankruptcy manager for years, but instead of taking steps, they transferred the received documents to their relative, who continually hoped that would repay the loan. David Hunayan, partner in «AM» Law Firm gives explanations on the air of Public Television what consequences may have inattention while concluding contract with  bank.

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