As a result of joint work of advocates of “AM” the business entity will not pay a fine

1 September, 2022

As a result of the inspection carried out by the RA Food Safety inspection body in the business entity an administrative offense was found out and a protocol was drawn up according to which the business entity had violated the requirements of part 1 of the article 7 of RA Law “On Feed”.

According to the protocol, the company did not have a technological instruction and recipe for the production of feed, and the production, technological procedure and process were not carried out in accordance with them.

An administrative act on an administrative offense was drawn up by the head of the inspection body against the director of the business entity, and the business entity was fined.

Advocates of “AM” Law Firm Hayk Barseghyan, Anush Kirakosyan and the lawyer of the same firm Ani Nikoghosyan undertook the protection of the rights of the business entity, they made appropriate complaints to the higher administrative body.

During the administrative hearing, all the legal and factual circumstances were presented, which clearly substantiated that the defined administrative responsibility was applied in violation of the law. However, the administrative body did not accept the presented claims and left the decision unchanged.

The lawyers of “AM” requested the court to recognize the act issued by the administrative body as invalid.

Under the chairmanship of RA Administrative Court judge Ruzanna Azroyan, a full, multifaceted and objective examination of the submitted claim was held, as a result of which the court fully satisfied the claim submitted by “AM”, and the act issued by the RA Food Safety inspection body was declared invalid.

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