After the citizen's death, a dispute arose between the deceased's mother, daughter and ex-wife regarding the ownership of the inheritance. The heir had commemorative coins, medals,gold bars and other expensive gold jewelry stored in the personal safe deposit box of "Akba-Credit Agricole Bank" in respect of which an inventory was carried out by the notary handling the inheritance case. The inventoried goods were deposited in the bank's branch money box.
The mother of the deceased, not wishing to accept that the inventory values belong to the daughter-in-law as well, appealed to the court filing a claim for recognition of ownership rights. The lawsuit was filed against the grandson and the son's ex-wife.
According to the claimant, the property in the safe deposit box belonged to her other son, of whom she was the heir, and the property should be transferred to her in its entirety.
Advocates of ''AM'' Law Firm Levon Sahakyan and Paytsar Kocharyan took over protection of clients' interests.
As a result of effective protection of the interests of the defendants, the court of first instance of Yerevan city rejected the claim. The other party filed an appeal against the decision, which was also rejected. The RA Court of Cassation also refused to accept the cassation appeal into proceeding.
As a result, the daughter of the deceased will receive the property in her father's inheritance, and the ex-wife, as a co-owner, will receive her share of the property acquired during the joint life.