AM law firm is pleased to announce, that based on its advocate's statement, the Ministry of Justice of RA imposed disciplinary sanction against the judge of Shengavit district of Yerevan Ishkhan Barseghyan, announcing reprimand coupled with deprivation of 25% of salary for 6 months. During the case tried by judge Baseghyan, advocate, based on AM Law firm's client's interests, submitted a motion to leave the claim without a hearing in relation to the part of one of the three existing contracts, because according to this contract the parties agreed to solve all disputes arising between them in the court of Arbitration.But the court,in stead of leaving claim without a hearing in relation to the part of one of the three contracts, fully left the claim without a hearing, including the disputes resulting from the other two contracts. By his desicion the court arbitrarily and with obvious violation of law deprived AM Law firm’s client of possibility to restore his rights in the court. The Ministry of Justice evaluated all these as obvious and rude violation of rules of procedural law.
AM Law Firm highly appreciates the work of all judges and respects fair decisions of all courts, which give possibility protect legitimate interests of firm’s all clients in the courts of RA more effectivly. Simultaneously, guided by the interests of justice, highlighting the priority of the defense of the letter of the law and based on our clients’ interests we are ready to use all the possibilities, given us by the law.