«АM» debt collection team received back millions of drams for its clients

19 January, 2017

Collection of 110.000.000 AMD was entrusted to the debt collection service, acting in «АM» Law Firm since 2016.

Without long judicial procedures, without spending much time and big finances several construction, insurance credit, touring and other companies with help of this new service of «АM» could return a significant part of their amounts due. According to the general average statistics for from 60% to 90% of debts were possible to receive back for different clients. Thus, during few months this service could receive back millions of drams for its clients.

In tense economic situation obviously increased the number of individuals and companies, defaulting or delaying financial obligations. At the same time, many of our clients do not wish to flagrantly stop business and human relations with their partners, who violated the terms of payments. Our debt collection team managed to find effective and profitable solutions through negotiation, consulting, pre-trial and  other legal instruments. Only in the case of the most malicious debtors when all other reasonable methods of collecting money were exhausted «АM» team was obliged to confiscate the money judicially, putting additional financial burden on people escaping from payment of their debts in every way.

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